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I empower professional women to reconnect with their authentic selves so they can live a personal and professional life of fulfillment and joy.

About Jennifer
Jennifer is a dedicated mindset coach, training professional, and advocate for personal transformation.
Jennifer's Demo
In the fast-paced world of female professionals, finding authentic fulfillment and joy amidst the constant demands and expectations can often feel like a distant dream.
Jennifer's Testimonials
I heard Jennifer speak just one time, yet what a powerful sharing it was!
Jennifer's Demo
In the fast-paced world of female professionals, finding authentic fulfillment and joy amidst the constant demands and expectations can often feel like a distant dream.

Whether you're a dedicated mother striving to balance work and family or a woman in search of deeper satisfaction in your career, the quest for true happiness can seem daunting. But what if the key to unlocking your joy lies in embracing a mindset and making decisions that align with your true purpose?

Deeply relatable and freshly inspiring, Jennifer invites audiences into a world where empowerment meets authenticity, and professionalism is infused with joy.

Combining both her lived experience with the practical tools to make change now, Jennifer guides audiences on a journey of rediscovery and inspires them to be their most authentic self while reigniting their passion for their life.

Through engaging keynotes and transformative workshops, audiences will arrive at a destination that unlocks their most authentic, fulfilled self.
Jennifer's passion for sharing her understanding and awareness of autism helped me more fully appreciate the differences and similarities we ALL share. 
Tissa Dobbins, NC

About Jennifer

Jennifer is a dedicated mindset coach, training professional, and advocate for personal transformation. With a lifelong passion for supporting individuals on their journeys, Jennifer has evolved from a librarian to a trainer and now as a certified coach, empowers people to realize the incredible control they have over the quality of their lives.

Drawing upon the belief that mindset and choices are powerful tools for creating the life we desire, Jennifer guides audiences on a transformative exploration of their own potential. Her personal journey began over a decade ago with her son's autism diagnosis, an experience that compelled her to put these very ideas into practice in her own life. Through perseverance and determination, Jennifer navigated the challenges of that valley, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever.

Guided by a set of core values that include intention, wellness, eagerness, connection, growth, and leadership, Jennifer brings an unwavering commitment to her work as a speaker. Her engaging presentations inspire audiences to take ownership of their lives, unleash their true potential, and cultivate a mindset that propels them toward their goals.

With a genuine passion for empowering others, Jennifer invites you on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and personal transformation. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and motivated as you embark on a transformative experience that will leave you empowered to live a life of intention, connection, and growth.

Jennifer's Topics

Jennifer is a dedicated mindset coach, training professional, and advocate for personal transformation.
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Call to Adventure: Embracing Your Authentic Fulfillment and Joy

In this empowering keynote, Jennifer guides audiences on a transformative journey inspired by the Hero's Journey, tailored for those seeking authentic fulfillment and joy. Drawing from personal experience and psychological insights, she navigates the inner landscape of mindset and resilience. Attendees confront uncertainty and resistance, uncovering limiting beliefs and embracing self-acceptance. With mentors and allies, they overcome dragons of self-doubt and fear. Witnessing the impact of new beliefs, attendees return with self-awareness and confidence, ready to conquer obstacles.

Join Jennifer on this heroic odyssey toward genuine fulfillment and joy.

Finding Peace In Your Child's Diagnosis

In this enlightening talk, Jennifer explores the overwhelming emotions parents of children with special needs face. As a parent herself, she understands the weight of lying awake, consumed by thoughts of her child's challenges. Parenthood, she acknowledges, is a daunting journey, filled with dreams and hopes. However, when a special needs diagnosis disrupts these expectations, it can feel like navigating a different life. Drawing from personal experience and expertise in psychology, Jennifer guides the audience through transforming this experience.

Through a simple 4-step process, parents can embrace purposeful living, leaving behind fear and finding joy in their journey.




Stronger Together: Unlocking the Power of Human Connection

In 'The Power of Connection: Unlocking Life Satisfaction,' Jennifer delves into the profound impact of human connection on our overall well-being. Drawing from her expertise in psychology and personal experiences as a parent of a child with special needs, Jennifer explores the innate human need for social connection and its transformative effects on mental health and life satisfaction. Through insightful discussions and practical strategies, she empowers audiences to cultivate authentic connections, navigate the challenges of modern-day disconnect, and embrace the profound ripple effects of meaningful relationships.

Join Jennifer on a journey of resilience, strength, and joy as she illuminates the transformative power of connection in enhancing life satisfaction

What Clients Say

In the fast-paced world of female professionals, finding authentic fulfillment and joy amidst the constant demands and expectations can often feel like a distant dream.
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I heard Jennifer speak just one time, yet what a powerful sharing it was! Her excitement and belief in her subject matter was palpable which kept me really tuned into every word. I felt empowered and ready to take my life to the next level. Thanks Jennifer for being a Light in this world!

Suzette Faith Foster, Boone, NC

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Connect with Jennifer

I empower professional women to reconnect with their authentic selves so they can live a personal and professional life of fulfillment and joy.

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